
Prices / Contact

Rental prices for the Casa Melucia vary, depending on the season and period of tenancy. On peak days such as Carnival, New Year, Semana Santa (which lasts from Palm Sunday until but not including Easter Sunday) etc., the prices are determined upon request.
The rental price includes the whole house and its premises with occupancy of up till eight persons. During the off-season (April, May, June), the prices can be lower. The below-mentioned prices are price indications and can change.

2 nights: 720 360 320
1 week: 2380 1050 910
2 weeks: 4200 1800 1600
More than two weeks: We offer generous discounts for a longer period of tenancy. Please contact us.
Tel. Switzerland: ++41 44 363 64 65
Tel Brasil: ++55 (88) 994 21 7490 (Claro)
++55 (88) 999 75 6819 (Tim)
skype Skype:
redlinho / Zurich / switzerland
skype calendar
Casa Melucia - Rua Virginia City s/n° - 62800-000 Canoa Quebrada - Map